Thursday, March 4, 2010

Southeastern Louisiana Legal Services

Working at SLLS has been amazing so far! It is almost the end of the week and I don't want to leave. In fact, my attorney keeps saying, "If you work here this summer..." and, "You should consider coming back this summer." The thought sounds more and more appealing.

I have been placed in the family law unit. The placement process is great because SLLS tries to place you in your area of interest. I really wanted to interact with clients (especially in the domestic unit), and so far I have been able to meet with multiple clients seeking help with custody cases and domestic violence cases. I have also worked on memos, petitions, presentations, and observed a custody hearing. In the context of custody cases, Hurricane Katrina still has major impact, since many families were separated and/or uprooted during and after the storm. Every client I have interviewed has mentioned Katrina, at the very least to use it as a timeline marker in their story. Clearly, there are legal issues due to the storm that still need to be addressed, and I am glad I am here to help.

One of my favorite things so far has been watching how a non-proft legal aid service works. All of the lawyers I have encountered are friendly, encouraging, and honest. I have seen my attorney risk her own life to be a good advocate for her client, and ensure her client gets the protection she needs from her abuser. Their dedication has inspired me and reminded me why I want to work in public interest. It has been such a great experience, and I would strongly suggest coming to NOLA & SLLS to anyone interested in the public interest arena.

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