Friday, March 5, 2010

Goodbye NOLA

It's hard to believe that the week is almost over, because there is so much work left to be done and so much of the city still left to see. The work we have done this week seems like a mere band-aid to a much larger wound left by Katrina that may take generations to heal from. But the city has a loyal fan base. This Mardi gras was the largest since the hurricane hit, and was made even bigger and longer due to the lombardi gras that started the celebration a week early.

This week in addition to helping at legal aid from 9-5, we ate amazing food including the creole classics and alligator cheescake. We saw amazing bands preform... The city is filled with music, every night of the week. My Favorite tourist find was a T-Shirt with "where the wild things" are wearing saints jerseys on. The week flew by-- Both because the legal work is engaging and meaningful and because the City has so much to offer.

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