Friday, March 5, 2010

Louisiana Law

As this trip concludes, I have thought more about whether I really feel I have achieved what I wanted on this trip. I've visited the sights of New Orleans, tasted the authentic cuisine, hung out with the locals and tourists alike, and seen the best and not-so-best the city has to offer. However, this is only half of the purpose and enjoyment of this trip.

Working at Southeast Lousiana Legal Services has been a truly unique experience. Working in the consumer protection area particularly regarding contractor fraud and bankruptcy has shown me wholly new problems facing the poorest residents of New Orleans. The attorneys are so eager to help you learn the quirky French legal terms, and they allow you to get right into the work interviewing clients, writing petitions, and doing legal research. As a 1L, this has been an especially great experience to see how my meager legal knowledge actually applies to the real world, and it is a particular boon that my legal research and writing professor has come along to help me navigate through these real cases where a client's livelihood hangs in the balance. I am glad to have had an opportunity to learn so much, enjoy exploring a new city, and yet still give back to the community in a direly needed way.

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