Friday, March 5, 2010

Good times, Great food!

It's our last day at NOLAC (SLLS) and I can't believe it's already been an entire week! I've spent the past 5 days doing research on Section 8 and conventional public housing, as well as Louisiana civil procedure, for the litigation director here - really putting my LARAW skills to work! Although I haven't had any direct contact with clients, I can see how much the residents of New Orleans really love their community. I can hear it in the voices of the attorneys who work at NOLAC and see it in their interaction with clients who walk through the door - they truly care about their clients and want to reach out to those in need. There is so much pride and sense of community in New Orleans. Despite the devastation the city had faced after Hurricane Katrina and continues to face daily, it seems as though they are all linked and have become a stronger community because of their experience. Their resilience and spirit are truly inspiring.

It's also been a positive learning experience to see a different side of the law - rather than clean-cut gentlemen and ladies in freshly pressed suits and shiny shoes, it's people in ragged jeans and worn sweatshirts walking into the office for legal services. As a law student, especially one working at a corporate firm, you become accustomed to being among people who are fortunate enough to have the privilege of higher education. I've realized that it's experiences like these, where we reach out and work directly with people in the community, that keep me grounded.

New Orleans is certainly a unique place. I've loved every moment of exploring the city - from the food to the music, it's all been a blast, and I know there is still much more to see! I've probably have enough food to hibernate for the rest of winter, but it was well worth it. I would definitely recommend a trip to New Orleans for those who have yet to experience it! Jacque-Imos for dinner is a must! (The menu features alligator, rabbit and redfish, to name a few.)

Perhaps the best part was getting to know other Santa Clara law students and I'm so glad I made the decision to join this trip. As rewarding and fun as it's been, I'm looking forward to getting back home. N'awlins is great, but it's time to get back to that California sunshine!

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