I've listened to many Spring Break stories over the course of this first week being back to school. Most of them involve either vegging on the couch or laying on the beach soaking in the sun with margarita in hand. As nice as both of those sound, I'm glad to respond with my story of going to New Orleans to volunteer for a week with the legal aid office. I'll admit, it would have been nice to have some time to relax and catch up on some outlining, but I'm glad, in retrospect, that I had the experience of NOLA.
I hadn't realized until now how few people were actually aware of the continued struggle NOLA residents face since Hurricane Katrina. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, considering I, too, didn't realize the extent of the devastation until becoming involved with NOLA 2010. It would be nice to have a way to get word out so that more people could learn about ways to help. It seems as though tragedies have a way of dissipating in people's minds after it loses news coverage. I'm sure the same thing will happen soon with the devastation in Haiti - once the news stops covering it, people stop thinking about it and assume that everything is okay. Only those who are forced to deal with it on a daily basis are the people who are aware of the circumstances.
At the very least, being a part of this trip has taught me that the people of New Orleans are continuing to rebuild their community, and will likely continue their efforts for a considerable time in the future. I can only hope that our short trip to volunteer there made some difference, and that our stories will last in the minds of those with whom we share them.
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